Thiruvanathapuram, the Kerala capital, will roll out the red carpet to a unique set of youngsters, who have been hand-held by a committed team of officials. The state calls them the Change Leaders, for ample reason. This year’s edition of the Student Police Cadet (SPC) Annual Summer Camp, or the Change Leaders Meet, will get underway at the SAP Camp in Peroorkada, in Thiruvananthapuram on March 31, 2019.
The camp that will run for a full week, will have activities tailor-made to involve the cadets who have been selected to attend the camp. Going by the officials in charge of the Student Police Cadet project, as many as 601 cadets are to attend the State-level Annual Summer Camp this year.
Over the course of the week, the cadets drawn from different schools across the state, will assemble at the Change Leaders Meet venue to be part of a slew of activities that have been charted out for the entire week. Apart from the parades, running, sports activities, yoga, debates, and mock assembly session, the cadets will also be treated with special talk sessions led by renowned personalities from various spheres.
This year, the Change leaders Meet will kick off with a special tribute to the CRPF jawans who were martyred in Pulwama. As per the SPC officials, cadets will pay tribute to the jawans by lighting earthern lamps and candles as a mar of respect.
Senior police officials will guide the cadets over the whole week so as to take the upcoming academic year’s activities to another level. As P Vijayan IPS, who is the officer behind the inception of the SPC project way back in 2010, believes, “the SPC project has for sure created a positive, far-reaching impact on the social horizon of Kerala over the past few years”.
The future course of action will build on this achievement. With the project having been adopted by an array of other states too, India will build its change leaders from the high school level, which indeed is a great testimonial to the committed school-level interventions by the Education and Home departments of Kerala, in creating a nation of law abiding, environmentally-conscious, socially-aware and community-focused citizens.
The Student Police Cadets who return after their Change Leaders’ Meet over the next week in Thiruvananthapuram would share the lessons learnt and experiences they had, among their fellow students in different parts of the state. The trainers and teachers accompanying the cadets to Thiruvananthapuram would lend a helping hand their students to make this possible in an effective manner. The SPC project currently has 55000 cadets from 649 schools in Kerala.