Mumbai: RD Bioscope and Once More International are presenting a thriller movie, “Khamiyaza – Journey of a Common Man” whose trailer and music was launched in Mumbai. The event was attended by Pankaj Berry, Roopali Kadyan, Suryakant Tyagi , Ajay Varma, Hermab Tripathi, Pyali Munsi, Alok Chaturvedi, Vijay Aidesani, Shakku Rana.
Khamiyaza is a story of corruption and brutal system. The story is based on a common man Abhimanyu who dares to save a life of a social worker Satya Prakash without knowing that Satya Prakash is on a political leader’s target. So in return Abhimanyu has to sacrifice his own life for his good deeds. The film has an intriguing title which suits with the story.
The film is written and directed by Deekshit Kaul and produced by Rajesh R. Tripathi, Heramb Tripathi along with Nilu Kaul (Reel To Real Film Production).The film is starring Heramb Tripathi,Pyali Munsi,Alok Chaturvedi,Shravni Sahay,Sunil Thappa,Shakku Rana,Ehsan Khan, Javed Haider,Ritesh Bakshi,Aanand Dev and Vijay Aidasani.
The shooting schedule of the movie has been completed at Vadodara, Lucknow and in Mumbai and is ready to hit theatres on January 11, 2019.