Yes News, south India’s first ever news channel that deploys Artificial Intelligence in its broadcasting strategies, has kickstarted operations from Kochi. Simultaneous with the India launch, Yes News has also lined up plans to begin operations from the United States, starting this June.
Significant about Yes News is the fact that the news channel that comes in the form of an app that runs mainly on Artificial Intelligence, whereby news is updated round-the-clock in an ultimately interactive and user-friendly manner.
The channel caters to news on national and international developments, politics, business, lifestyle, entertainment, health culture, sports, environment and the like, accompanied by videos shot on spot. The Yes News app offers news content in three durations – 5 minutes, 15 minutes and 30 minutes – that can be programmed by the users as per their convenience. According to Milton Francis, managing Director and Managing Editor, Yes News Network, news cast over the app employ the nuances of modern technology, specifically Artificial Intelligence, to bring to the users information in a nutshell sans ignoring the quality and significance of the medium.
The news cast over the Yes News Networks come devoid of the usual flab of elaborate reporting that diminishes the interest of the users who are on-the-go. The news team behind the app ensures impartial reporting, staying away from political affiliations of any kind, so as to tell the story as it happened. In an era where fake news rules the roost, the quality-driven, impartial style of reporting, accompanied by high definition video content, comes as whiff of fresh air, Milton Francis added.
Apart from its India roll out with a South India focus, Yes News Network is mulling over a US launch in June, stated Sudha Kartha, Director –United States, Yes News Network. The network will broadcast news and other developments of significance that have a special connection with the Malayalee population residing in the United States, Kartha added. The channel will have its office functioning out of Philadelphia and would have dedicated media and technology teams to run the show.
The Yes news Network is also equipped to live stream news events, and is backed by a core team comprising senior journalists who have put in years of experience in the print and television arena. The marketing and technical teams have experienced professionals running ensuring uninterrupted broadcast of news, round the clock. Yes News Network has already put in a place a passionate team of news casters and reporting staff across India. While its Kerala team has more than 75 correspondents working from various news bureaus across the state, Yes News Network has also hired reporters in Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Amaravati, and Bihar.